Butchers Petcare Case Study
Butchers Petcare Case Study

The Challenges
The Challenges
New Purpose Built Factory not meeting designed output.
Longer than anticipated and highly variable Cooking Process Times.
Factory operating at circa 50% of maximum possible throughput
Output levels unstable and unpredictable.
Sales levels constrained and Customer Supplies impacted

The Solutions
The Solutions
8 week "Rapid Response" programme initiated to lift output and resolve supply issues.
Implement Bottleneck optimisation tool to match all factory processes to Cooking Retorts.
Develop and install a new Shop Floor Management Control Process.
Improved Downtime and Utilisation Tools implemented
The Benefits
The Benefits
Productivity enhanced by over 35%.
Improved Process Controls.
Annualised financial benefits in excess of £2million per annum.
6 to 1 return on fees.

The Managing Director says …..
“The most valuable part of our collaboration with implement was the way in which the implement team have helped us to change our systems and working practices and embed the improvements in our day to day working ....... implement ensured that not only did output improve but also staff moral ”
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